
Coney Boardwalk Strip Open Next Summer

I know it's common knowledge by now that Thor Equities allowed popular boardwalk businesses such as Ruby's, Cha-Cha's, Shoot the Freak and the Lola Starr Boutique to operate out at Coney Island next season. The verdict on the Astroland Amusement district still remains to be seen, but the general consensus seems to be positive. I sure hope so. It would be tragically stupid if it doesn’t happen. Why take away peoples joy when you can't build anyway? I have a friend who has a business (The Pina Colada Hut on Jone's Walk) in Astroland and all the while she has been telling me to not believe the hype. I think it's annoyed her that I am usually doom and gloom about Coney's future, it didn't help that I saw the Zipper leave on a truck on the last day! She will never comment ON THE BLOG and Desree, if you are reading this, I"M TALKING ABOUT YOU!!!! I am really hoping that you are right in the end! Read more details at the blog for all things Coney, Kinetic Carnival.

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