F.I.B failed to address the holidays this year. Soooo may this blizzard be the beginnings of good luck, health, happiness and prosperity being forcefully blown into your New Year!
My block here in the Gowanus, which is a fire truck route from the Red Hook Station did not see a snowplow until 11:30 am this morning. It was strange not hearing continuous plows throughout the night as done in all other storms. What's up with that? I have a feeling Bloomie is going to get an earful on this one. Just sayin'...
* More photos at my Gowanus flickr set.
Wow, thanks for the visuals. I'm in CA and can get the news, nut there is nothing that compares to pics of my own nabe - though what's up with no attempts to clear the streets?
Glad you likee...and as far as Bloomberg- he said in a press conference that the broadway shows went on last night and were full of tourists so what's the problem? It may take a few days. Deal with it.
In the meantime it IS quite lovely to be snowed in if you don't need an ambulance or a fire truck to get to you..if you do, you are screwed.
Must be nice, not having to be anywhere...
Well I work in the schools so we are off this week..and probably would be off this week if we were in session..believe me i am no "lady of leisure"! Hence the sporatic blogging of late...
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