
Style in the Snow

I know we are all praying for Spring but this recently submitted photo is way too cool not to put up! I am somewhat of a car expert, but I am tired (2:25 AM!) and this is covered with snow. A Rolls Royce? Correct me please if I am wrong. Guess where this is while you are at won't you!

Photo from Brian Berger.

F.I.B is still camera-less and accepting submissions and also advice as to what camera she should buy under $200 smackeroonies. Thanks!! (if you want to donate your old digital to a good cause that would be appreciated too!!)


Beam Him Up!

Brilliant photo sent to me by Catherine Weaver. Looks like this guy is about to get abducted by the aliens.

*F.I.B is camera-less at the moment and is accepting any interesting photos that you feel are relevant to the F.I.B aesthetic...


Out of Town.

Austin, Texas.

Just to follow up, the community lost again at that Toll Brothers hearing in the post below. Read more here at Pardon Me For Asking. Thank you Tony Avella for actually listening to the community and siding with us. Gives one a little faith in local pols for a change.

Also there was a public scoping hearing yesterday on the rezoning of the Gowanus corridor (as opposed to the special "spot zoning" hearings that have been going with the Toll Brothers). Katia Kelly has been dedicating a tremendous amount of time attending all the recent hearings and documenting what has been going on, thank you Katia!

Read about that one here.

The public has until March 20th to send statements for or against the zoning. Go here to read all the documentation.


Toll Brothers Project Public Hearing Tomorrow Morning.

I can't tell you how many meetings I've announced on F.I.B regarding the Toll Brothers project along the Gowanus. It's redundant I know, but important that people know about it. There have been countless community board meetings where the actually community's voice gets ignored. Public Hearings where again, the community speaks it's concerns and then the project gets rubber stamped and it's on to the next hoop. I am no expert and there are lots in the community who are, it's heartbreaking at times. Exhausting. The biggest concern for me are the dangers of building on toxic land. I don't trust the Toll Brothers to clean with any care, this is a company who has made an environmental watch list for chissakes along with Exxon and other biggies as a company that seems to have an inability to improve their focus on climate changes. And speaking of climate changes even the city has acknowledged such things happen and this project is on a major flood plain! The other issues are height and affordable housing, but the main issue for me are the health dangers and the destruction of an ecosystem.

Anyway, the Zoning and Franchises Subcommittee is holding a Public Hearing regarding this tomorrow morning. If you read read this tonight and care to send a written statement send it to: Tony Avella, Chairperson of Zoning & Franchises

Zoning & Franchises Subcommittee Public Hearing regarding
Toll Brothers at 363-365 Bond St

City Hall
Committee Room (R to City Hall or A to Chambers St.)
March 4, 2009 9:30am

Zoning & Franchises Subcommittee Public Hearing regarding
Toll Brothers at 363-365 Bond St

City Hall
Committee Room (R to City Hall or A to Chambers St.)
March 4, 2009 9:30am