

I don't know how I feel about REVS painting over a beautiful old fading ad on a building in Chelsea. I guess I do. I guess it makes me feel slightly pissed off! The only thing that is keeping me from completely dismissing REVS as a visual eyesore is the fact that the building to the right looks like a Holiday Inn in Peoria!


ChickenUnderwear said...

I didn't know there were any REVS/COST still around. Dats old school.

Frank Jump said...

Dear Lisanne-

I know how you feel. Being the one who coined the term "fading ad" - I have a certain attachment to these remnants of our commercial past. But graffiti and vandalism are part of the aging process. When fading ads intersect graffiti or street art, I call them "urban ediglyphs." Edi - from ediface or building - and glyph from petroglyph.

Lisanne said...

You DID coin the term and it has worked it's way into daily vocabulary! Check out Frank's blog folks, called "Fading Ad"!

"Urban Ediglyph" is a great way at looking at the aging process, I suppose anything is better than ripping them down, but then again, change is inevitable.

Unknown said...

I know this is an old post, but I'm pretty sure that REVS/COST piece has been up there for decades, anybody can confirm?

ChickenUnderwear said...

REVS/COST goes back to the late 70s. I remember where I was when I "met a guy who knew a guy". Who knew REVS or Cost. It was before 1980