So nice to have some GOOD POSITIVE news regarding our urban waterways! Today I attended the unveiling of the fab Enviromedia Mobile which travels to schools throughout the NY area educating about all things aquatic in front of Brooklyn Borough Hall. Inside this long metal trailer your will find everything from aquatic artistic inspiration, info about effects of climate change on marine life amongst many other relevant topics. The mobile also has a lot of very cool historical nautical items and has a wonderful wood planked floor (you feel like you are on a boat once inside the metal trailer!). It is quite a accomplishment.
*After 11 years of continuing dedication, including eight years in conception and design, and three years of intense hard work. The Urban Divers Estuary Conservancy has conceived a unique learning and cultural tool to help increase environmental literacy, youth development and maritime cultural enrichment in our community, in our schools, on the waterfront in Brooklyn.
While there, F.I.B heard from reliable political sources that Mayor Bloomberg's push to have the city clean the canal is not deterring the EPA from stopping any plans for doing it themselves. Great News!!!!
Anyway, the Enviromedia Mobile is an environmental center/museum and it travels to schools, community fairs/events, as well as host waterfront environmental awareness activities (e.g. eco-cruises, live underwater video exploration, birds of prey, clean-ups), in order to encourage Brooklyn residents and the general public to engage in environmental education, environmental stewardship, and maritime as to raise awareness about the ecological significance of the Gowanus Canal and the environmental impact that challenges it as well other waterways in New York’s estuarine ecosystem and urban watershed—where we live, work, play, learn and worship.
You can contact the Urban Divers Enviromedea Mobile at
to learn more or to set up an appointment for them to come to your school or neighborhood.
Congrats you crazy Urban Divers! (Yes they dive in the waters of NYC!)
* From the Urban Diver's press release.
A great day for Ludger and all who helped him make this possible, and for all of us who benefit. The Enviromedia Mobile looked fantastic, outside and in. I learned so much. Also loved the dug-out Native American canoe and info about the Lanape Nation that originally lived along these waters. Ludger is an amazing spirit and inspirational teacher. Thank you, Ludger!!
Congratulations Ludger!
You are a tireless advocate for clean waterways and public health.
Your spirit is indeed an Inspiration.
thank you so very much
We all know how this mobile facility will help Ludger get out there and spend solid environmental exploration time with kids all over this city! Connecting kids to our shared natural world has such possibilities for inspirations and Ludger has the talent to help set-off that inspiration in kids.
Congratulations Urban Divers!
The Divers should hire Waste Management to remove their derelict rowboats dumped at the end of 2nd St.
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