The T.A.G grant was conceived in 1980 when Congress wanted to ensure that the people whose lives were affected by abandoned hazardous wastes would have a say in actions to clean them up. This grant means that F.R.O.G.G will sort of be the go between the EPA during the Superfund process and the community. All I can say is that the E.P.A chose the right people for the job. F.R.O.G.G is and always have been completely transparent and actually live in the neighborhood that they serve.
I have been to F.R.O.G.G. meetings and I can tell you that no decision is ever made without the mutual concent of all members and I am absolutely positive that this will remain their modus operandi when working with the community during the Gowanus Canal clean up.
Viva la F.R.O.G.G!
This is very good news.
Well deserved! No group has worked harder than FROGG.
Could this be an example of government working for the governed?
The EPA should be commended for continuing to do what they are charged with under the Federal Superfund law where the TAG grant is stipulated for funding the local community. As the first Superfund site in NYC, it seams that the power-holding developers haven't yet figured out how to dismiss the local community from the process; as they so thoroughly have with the ULURP process which is totally dismissive of all local community comments and input.
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