Freddy's Bar is extremely proud to announce the launch of its art space "The Silver Room" with an exhibition of paintings by Brooklyn-based artist Nancy Drew, entitled "Bang A Gong".
I have to personally add to this official press release that Nancy's glitter fabulous paintings are a beautiful sight to behold in Freddy's new silver backroom. Nancy Drew's medium is GLITTER and FLOCKING. What is flocking, you may ask? Flocking is soft and fuzzy, sort of like velvet but more like the stuff that carnival prizes are made of. Ms. Drew has also has contributed much to the allover design of the new Freddy's, in addition to this exhibit, she has done a glittering "erotic" wallpaper installation in the back vestibule of the bar as well as many other flourishes in different areas allover the bar and backroom.
Anyway read on about this show from Freddy's press release.
"A group of paintings from both her "Artists Series" and "Porn Series" will be included in this mini-retrospective. Spanning the last ten years of Nancy Drew's production, each year is represented by a single painting. Painted in her signature materials of flock and glitter, imagery culled from 20th Century Ab-Ex masterpieces and contemporary video porn boxes is feminized and beautified beyond easy recognition, into levels of high camp and cultural relevance. The resulting artistic transpositions can't help but turn the aims of their sources on their ear. Rendered in plush flocking and sparkly glitter, the original meanings have been entirely recast and transformed in Drew's works, with equal doses of humor and reverence. Ms. Drew is a veteran of the NY art scene, as well as a few controversies concerning her highly-regarded 'cover versions' of abstract expressionist masterworks.
Drew's artwork has been featured in solo and group exhibitions at many venues both locally and internationally, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Chelsea Museum of Art, Artists Space, Exit Art, Roebling Hall, White Box, NYC; as well as Real Art Ways, Hartford CT; Albright College, Reading, PA; and the Kyrgyzstan National Fine Arts Museum, Kyrgyzstan Republic."
Opening: Saturday, February 12th, 7 to 9 pm
Show will be upFebruary 12th thru March 28th
WHERE: The Silver Room at Freddy's Bar
627 Fifth Avenue (between 17th & 18th Streets)
South Slope, Brooklyn
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