
More Stuff Happening in Gowanus this Weekend

OK not only do we have the AGAST open studio tour, the e-waste recycling on Bond Street but now I have just heard that Jerko the Gowanus Water Vacuum is going to be docked at the end of 2nd Street on the canal. Jerko is " a salvaged houseboat that has been transformed into a laboratory and showspace for do-it-yourself sustainability projects."

Get there at 1:30 if you want to pre-register for a tour of Jerko. Go to the website for more info on all the projects that the Jerko crew are working on. There are some photos on the website and I swear in one of them, there is a guy with his hand in the water...yikes!

Tour at your own risk people! Go to the website here

There is also some sort of Green Sustainability type fair going on on Third Street between Bond and Hoyt Streets on Saturday afternoon. Proteus Gowanus will be there with a table top replica of their Hall of the Gowanus. Check it out!

Links to the other happenings on Saturday:
AGAST open studios here.
E-Waste Recycling here.

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