From Freddy's Bar & Backroom on behalf of Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn
If you Dig Freddy’s, hate thieves, Love Old Bars, Hate Billionaires, respect community and question miss use of power ......
July 29: SAY NO TO ATLANTIC YARDS - PROTEST Against Ratner’s Rip-off
Wednesday. July 29. 2pm.
Start Gathering at 1pm.
Outside Klitgord Auditorium of NYC Technical College
285 Jay Street, Near Tillary
(A/C to Jay St./Borough Hall. 2/3 to Borough Hall)
The Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC, which is the state agency overseeing the Atlantic Yards proposal) is holding a public hearing on the Atlantic Yards project on July 29th.
Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn urges you to join a protest against Ratner’s destructive project outside the hearing and then to testify at the hearing.
This is it! There will be no more public hearings on Atlantic Yards or protests like this one.
This is the community’s chance to tell ESDC and Ratner:
We Don’t Want Atlantic Yards.
We Want Development That Works for the Community!
Not at the Expense of the Community.
Atlantic Yards Must Be Scrapped!
Join DDDB, other community groups, residents, clergy, union members, and elected officials for the 2pm protest. Please start gathering at 1pm.
(**Protest will start up again at 6pm.)
The hearing is scheduled from 2-5 and 6-8. The protest will start at 1. Then DDDB asks the public to sign in and testify against the project. (If you are unable to come for the afternoon protest and hearing, DDDB urges you to come for the late afternoon/evening hearing; we will be there from 1 until the end at 8 or later. Look for us.)
Bring Protest Signs.
Speak your mind about the project.
Atlantic Yards is a rip-off for taxpayers,
A rip-off for straphangers,
A rip-off for those in need of affordable housing,
A rip-off for those in need of employment.
A rip-off for Brooklynites and a rip off for New Yorkers
It is a boondoggle for Bruce Ratner...
No More Bailouts for Billionaires
For up to the minute details go to Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn .
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