One of my fave rock photographers Theresa K. will be at Magnetic Field on Thursday night with photos from the "golden age of punk rock".
Theresa K. started taking photos in her native Los Angeles as a teen going to the early punk shows in the mid 1970's. Bands caught behind her lens included The Germs, X, The Go-Go's, The Alice Bag Band and The Cramps when they were unknown to the rest of the world outside of L.A. She has continued to photograph steadily since then and her work is a treasure trove of punk rock history which include casual shots of The Ramones, The Dead Boys, The Pretenders, Blondie etc. etc. Her photos capture the rawness and energy of an era before bands hired stylists and nobody expected to make any money. Bands doing it for the love baby!
Prints will be available for purchase at reasonable prices (I've heard she's got some rare early Cramps pics!). Check out her blog for more info.
D.J. Phast Phreddie of the Boogaloo Omnibus will be providing appropriate musical accompaniment.
Magnetic Field is located on Atlantic Avenue betwenn Henry and Hicks Streets.
The Dils! "Class War"! On the off chance any FIB readers have seen "Sir Drone," the beyond genius film by Raymond Pettibon...
"We missed the Dils!!!"
(I think Mike Watt says that line.)
Yrs in New Wave,
The Music Director
WWIB Community Action Radio
No i have NOT seen that and feel stupid that i never heard of it.! Theresa's exhibit was fab by the way, i left with some photographs of the Cramps, the Germs, Stiv & Dee Dee, all suitable for framing and to be hung in the master dining room at F.I.B H.Q.
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