Wow, is it the 4th already? Last year I wrote quite the cynical post on the 4th of July. Read it here. My views haven't changed all that much, civil liberties are still disapearing, healthcare and affordable housing are still luxuries. We've had a President that has run our country's reputation into the ground, where blood for oil is more important than rebuilding New Orleans, a city in his OWN COUNTRY! Don't get me started.....
But since my grandparents emigrated here for a better life and got it (sort of), it ain't all bad here, the other night on that boat ride when we passed the Statue of Liberty, The Fleshtones stopped and saluted her, and it did mean something to me. My grandmother's story of coming to New York alone at the age of 16 always flashes through my mind.
I hear that America's most notable trait is it's optimism so with that in mind I wish you a Happy 4th of July, at least we invented rock & roll right?
And, uh...jazz???
And a Happy Fourth to you as well!!!
Congrats of you Notable Blog! Ah yes, optimisim is sometimes all we have left. Yours shows in your wonderful photos! Great perspective! Love the "You Go Girl". You Go Girl!
Amen my friend. Amen.
Ummm...I'm a cynic July 4 blog post is of two videos...One, Hendrix playing the National Anthem, the other Dylan's song "Hard Rain"...cruisin with the Fleshtones sounds pretty cool!
Great blog!
Please visit MY blog at
Sure, our "civil liberties are disappearing" and all that about healthcare and housing, but we here in America still have it a ton better than tons of other countries, so we can't complain just because right now isn't as good as life used to be. There's a lot to be happy about as well as stuff to be sad about. It's your choice if you wanna be pessimistic. Let it be! Lol
I was trying to come up with something clever, but the muse eludes me right now. Just wanted to say Happy 4th and I enjoyed your post! Where are your Grandparents from?
Happy Independence Day to you as well! Keep up the optimism, things will get better soon, and it is not as bad as it seems now.
great insight. i enjoyed reading it and when i was done i thanked god i dont live in the states. I mean its a great place and does have freedom and such but im on the outside looking in ... Bush has recked a reputation that took hundreds of years to build. theres no going back now ... good luck to the next guy in office .. hes gonna need it
Happy 4th of July. I still love this country and will always love it, through the good and bad, it's a lot better than most places on earth.
Yeah we have it better than other counties but WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!
I work in the NYC Public school system and these kids deserve BETTER!
We have inadequate health system,, education, housing, etc....what about New Orleans?!!!
No I won't let it be!
Congrats on your blog of note! Amen on the Bushinator - what a horrible legacy he's leaving (and not a moment too soon)
GREAT Blog - brings back memories of home (I'm a Brooklyn boy livin in northern cali). So fotunate tohave found your site. I'll keep looking! I've found some CRAZY things in Marine Park--
if you dig prose, music reviews, poetry and the like - I just launch my blog as well. Worked for Atlantic Records for years, now baskin in the sun!!
America has its problems, and yes our president is kind of a moron.. but its not all that bad here, it could be a lot worse.. look at whats been going on in Lebanon right now for example. Im a proud American and I wish you too a happy fourth of July. Now im going to go listen to my rock and roll records while I let off illegal fireworks and chug redbulls... ahh, the American dream!
Have you met J over there?
In light of the recent passing of George Carlin, i feel it necessary to mention that in his view we never had any rights to begin with. We have a series of privileges that can be revoked at any time via either the amendment process, voter fraud, or a good old fashioned coup. (He never said voter fraus or coup) Even though i took some liberties with his words, i do agree with his intent..
a blog interesting, different.
from Brazil to New York
Really enjoyed looking at a lot of your blog. You write so well and make it all interesting. I will definately put you in my favs.
My grandparents immigrated to NY Ellis Island too, I want to think they had a much better life here than in the old country. Congrats on being on the list of Blogs of Note.
I'm an American living overseas in Germany since 1987 - it's strange but 4th of July goes by here like any other day. And there is no day in Germany that recaptures the positive patriotism of our day. The spirit of freedom was alive that day the Berlin Wall was opened, and they thought of making that a holiday, but realized then they couldn't because that was on Kristallnacht. The day they finally too, Oct. 3rd doesn't have an spirit. It's just a day off. But the spirit of freedom does live in other days, and more immediate, e.g. in the Netherlands, their day commemorating liberation from Germany.
A lot went wrong in America - our ideals were hijacked, but I do have the optimism that things are being put back on track. The day the Bush leaves may become our new 4th of July.
Congrats on being named "Blog of Note" and Happy Fourth of July.
Yes, Bush and his gang of corporate cutthroats have done their damnedest to ruin this country, but we who really love America must always have hope.
Go Obama!
Enjoyed the post, happy belated 4th!
Great post, I agree with you when it comes to feeling like America is a crack of nonsense since the bush administration. (& before)
But when you see the Statue of Liberty & imagine the dreams that our ancestors had when they saw that statue kind of makes you feel 'sweet' inside.
Thank you for that image of America!!
Hope you had a wonderful 4th
Happy 4th of july! a blog is very interesting.Wanna know about Thailand see..
It's first time to visit your blog.
I am from Japan.
Catch you later.
I would like to say something to all the people who love America so much and who think that things are so great there: welcome to Europe, to see how great your country is. I especially recommend visiting Northern Europe, where people do not carry guns, where kids can play at play grounds without supervision and threat of being kidnapped, where healthcare is free for everyone etc
If we can stop an alien invasion, we can't be all that bad.
Het is raar maar hat werkt ! Wil je het portret zien van je ware liefde ? stuur dan het bericht aan 10 personen en gaat op deze site :
Je zal het portret zien van het persoon dat van je houd. je zal verrast zijn
(het portret is 90% betrouwbaar)
I like the photography here. You have captured a wide variety of moods, colourations, and glimpses of your city.
Congratuations on being selected a Blogger Blog of Note! You rock! Hey, didn't Americans invent blogs, too?
WOW! My parents immigrated to the USA. I am very happy about it!
I love that photograph. You should do a painting of that.
Great blog!
Hi! Firstly, happy Fourth to you (albeit two days later)!
I'm new to blogger and I just started my own blog. I live in NYC as well, and I would love any comments or suggestions you have!
you can find me at
hmm...your blog is very interesting. can i add you to my blogroll?
congratulation for being on vlo of note
Lovely shot
America, the land of the free. Freedom isn't free, it is hard fought for and we continue to fight hard to keep it. If you think you have it a little rought, try being black in America. Yes, we finally have a black man running for president and I'm still not sure how I will vote, however, there is one thing I'm sure of...We the People of the United States still run the country. We are responsible for the people we send to congress to represent us. Remember if we don't like what they are doing, email them. If they continue to displease us, vote them out at the end of their term. Take an active roll in you government if you can. I'm sure you can tell that I'm a teacher(NYC)and these are the things I tell my students. I'm also a child of the Civil Rights movement and don't take anything for granted. As for New Orleans, it was the product of a perfect storm and I don't mean the stuff caused by the hurricane. Everybody in that area had a piece of that tragedy;the state, the city, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Fed and the citizens themselves. It's not a crime to be poor, but it will cost you and it did. Okay, I'm steping down off my soap box.
Happy 4th. I like the spill above by that guy ^^^ even if I am a repub.
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