"The Future of the Gowanus Canal: A Community Forum on the Environmental Quality"
In attendance: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Pete Grannis. Representatives from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, the Army Corps of Engineers and a variety of Gowanus Canal advocates.
There will be a question and answer period. The question must be written up on index cards that will be provided.
Thursday December 6, 2007
6-8 PM
Belarusian Church - Atlantic Ave at Bond Street
For details call State Senator Montgomery's Office at 718-643-6140
Sponsoring organizations include Community Board 6, the Gowanus Canal Community Development Corp, the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, FROGG, the Urban Divers and many others.
So, was there some problem securing a spot somewhere actually in... Gowanus? Could be I know but still, this seems odd, although I have nothing but love for Mutha Belarus: is that perhaps her knee on the Carroll St bridge?
Re: index cards, I wonder if they will be 5 x 7 or 6 x 8, lined or unlined, and if I will have to write in red or black ink? If I ask a question in Belarus, will anybody there be able to answer?
Oh Joan Millman, wherefore art thou!
The Mad Belarusian
Well, if you MUST know rumour has it that the cards are going to be 3 x 4..and yes it is a bit strange that the meeting is not being held IN Gowanus but that may be to make the sizeable Belarusian Gowanian community feel more at home....who knows?
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