Next up in the Found in Brooklyn Group Art Show hit parade is some photography from Mr. Brian Berger. Brian is a maniac documentary style street photographer. He is obsessed with capturing our disappearing by the second street culture by image and also in words. He is fascinated with people with interesting stories to tell. Stories that predate our current fascination with real estate, demolition and construction. Unfortunately these days this is what is in our faces and can't be ignored. (sigh.) It often boggles the mind that NYC once had a booming creative underground. These are Brian's issues. In addition to being a fab photographer, he gives a great interview.
Check out his blog Who Walk in Brooklyn for today’s interview with Luc Sante!
He also recently interviewed another art show participant, video artiste Donald O'Finn.
And of course he is editor of the fine tome, New York Calling: from Blackout to Bloomberg.
The FIB art show is up for another month!
Do stop by Freddy's and take a gander.
The "Found in Brooklyn Group Art Show" viewing hours are from 11am to 4am, 7 days a week.
Click here for links to see the websites of all the participating artists.
Freddy's Bar & Backroom
located at:
485 Dean Street Brooklyn, NY 11215
phone: 718.622.7035
That's the corner of Dean Street and 6th Avenue in Brooklyn.
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