Not only is the art amazing on this old building, the building itself has so much character.
Bare Bones in Bushwick
Not only is the art amazing on this old building, the building itself has so much character.
street art
New Bomb Turks Blow Out the Bell House
Also. Ever get your stomach bit after a show at a club? This fellow did. Read all about that and mo' here.
video by Fancy TV.
new bomb turks,
punk rock
"Hand Across The Sand" at Coney Island.
F.I.B stumbled upon the "Hands Across the Sand" protest against off shore oil drilling at Coney Island yesterday, which was part of a nation wide action that occurred along the beaches at noon. About 350 people participated on the shores of Coney. One of the organizers who hails from Rockaway, said she was motivated to take part in this event when she heard that there is talk of drilling off the shores of the Rockaway peninsula!
While the event sort of reminded me of that old "I'd like to give a world a coke" commercial, these folks were doing the reverse, they were not selling anything but the idea that corporations are destroying our waters.
Read and see images about the event on the oil tainted beaches of Penescola, Florida.
And sign the petition asking President Obama to Move beyond oil.
Coney Island,
corporate greed
"Alice" this weekend during BOCOCA Festival.

The BOCOCA Festival is still happening and as I am a sucker for anything "Alice in Wonderland"- like, I thought this play looked like it might be interesting. There are several performances over the weekend at a venue called the Archip Gallery Theatre on Court Street.
Here is the description from producers Fallen Swallow/Laughing Pigeon:
"Alice, tells of a young woman struggling within her own wild imagination as the real world around her crumbles. A mother tormented by her own ghosts, a father distracted, a brother trying to keep it all together, a friend she can't let in, and Alice must make a choice: up or down?
The play Alice takes audiences to new worlds and different dimensions of reality through the use of video, sound, movement, and traditional theatrical storytelling techniques."
Where: Archip Gallery Theatre at 498 Court Street
When: Friday, June 25th at 6:00 pm, and Saturday, June 26th at 8:30 pm.
Check the schedule for all the events happening during the BOCOCA festival here.
bococo art festival
Underwater New York Show at Proteus Gowanus

Proteus Gowanus Gallery has a show up in conjunction with Underwater New York to conclude their season of curation on the theme of "transport". Lots to look at Proteus Gowanus, they've got galleries within galleries (The Observatory, The Hall of the Gowanus, The Reanimation Library, The reading room), a real gem. It's open Thursdays through Sundays until July 17th when they will close for the rest of the summer.
As per Underwater New York's website:
Transport III with Underwater New York
June 12 – July 17, 2010
Proteus Gowanus
"We like to think of Underwater New York as a creative conduit between artists and a landscape of underwater objects and phenomena, encouraging a new consideration of the waters that surround, splice and serve our city. Extracting directly from the arteries of transportation that have shaped New York since its start, we invite artists to imagine previously unconsidered depths. Some incredible artwork has already come of this exploration, and we’re thrilled to announce an upcoming exhibit of new and existing work in collaboration with Proteus Gowanus.
Proteus Gowanus is an interdisciplinary gallery and reading room located on the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. A collaborative project, the gallery develops exhibits of art, artifacts and books that revolve around a yearlong theme linking the arts to other disciplines and to the community. Transport, the theme for 2009-2010, is an exploration of How We Get There in the never-ending journey toward our destinations.
On view will be artwork inspired by the city’s underwater landscape, work ranging from paintings to letterpress prints to stories in bottles, from photographs to artist books to installations."
Proteus Gowanus
543 Union Street – entrance down the alley off Nevins
*I would also like to add that I am thilled to have a drawing in the show. Check it out and tell them F.I.B sent you.
proteus gowanus,
underwater new york
Crush Fest with Yes Giantess, Fang Island, Big Freedia at Public Assembly this Thursday

The producers of this event say that the bands playing at Public Assembly on Thursday night make them "feel like we’re bathing in champagne and skipping through meadows." Sounds good to me! Go here for the full run down on all the bands and dj's playing the two rooms at this monthly party called "Crush"!
WHEN: Thursday, June 24th
WHERE: Public Assembly // 70 North 6th St, Brooklyn NYC
DOOR: 9pm – 4am
meanred productions,
public assembly
Punks Not Dead! Scenes From Punk Island
F.I.B actually goes to things she pimps! This time I went to Punk Island on Governor's Island. I saw the few bands I knew. Negative Approach. The singer looks like the scariest boss you ever had in an office at this point and his voice is even scarier. DOA, from Vancouver were A-M-A-Z-I=N=G, the best punk bass playing since Dee Dee Ramone. CLASSIC! Newer bands were the Black Out Shoppers and another band I really dug called Bucket Flush, you would think out of over the 100 bands I could come up with more but half the time I didn't know who I as seeing, people are saving paper and not printing anything these days, if I had a quarter for each person asking me "what band is this?" or "where is stage ?" I would be a gizzillionare. I just have to say, in my day they didn't provide picnic tables and free peaceful islands!! We were sweating on the streets and in the abandoned buildings of the lower east side..i feel a bit like Rodney Dangerfield! Anyway the kids were cute with the mohawks and such. Not a hipster in sight! Yee Haw!
The whole scene was a bit bizarre. Picture all these punk people walking around, who, at this point are totally outcasts and freaks, at least in NY. Perhaps they are more common in the suburbs, more to rebel against out there, more boredom, I imagine, then mix in the people coming to the island to enjoy the history and the greenery but having to put up with 100s of bands playing all over the island. It was bit surreal to hear the anger of all these bands echoing allover the island. I found myself giggling many times and wondering if I was dreaming...
Scenes From Mermaid Parade 2010
A beautiful day for a parade, made up for last year on which it rained. The beach and boardwalk were packed, Surf Avenue not as much as usual. Some of the usual suspects in the parade such as the man with the rainbow beard and his matching poodle (who went throught the parade route at least 3 times!), Debbie the brown haired mermaid, the rabbi who broke off from the Polar Bear Club and started his own and the the swing dancers amongst some others. No Mummers this year. The vibe was quiet to me...needed much more music, what was up with that? I think the oil spill has effected the usual celebratory was not ignored in this years parade as you can see.
Coney Island,
mermaid parade 2010
BOCOCA Arts Festival Begins. Loads of Events and a Free Festival in Carroll Park on Saturday
F.I.B attended the kickoff party for the BOCOCA Arts Festival last night and thoroughly enjoyed the performance of "The Purple Plays". F.I.B is no theater critic but if pressed for a description I would say that the play was a series of psychological vignettes between couples; dealing with issues of resentment caused by miscommunications with a unifying theme of unmet expectations in relationships. Despite my grim description, the play was pretty dang humorous! The play will be playing three more times at Ceol within this 10 day festival. Check the schedule here.
This festival takes place all around different venues in the Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens and the producers say they that they "strive to cast emerging artists of multiple disciplines in conventional venues, such as bars, restaurants, vacant storefronts and galleries". They have many different plays and live music acts performing and I have to say the theater aspect is unique to other events that happen around this area. Check it out!
Also! Tomorrow, BoCoCa Outdoors @ Carroll Park is happening with live music,kids workshops and visual art. If you dig the plastic fantastic "up-cycled" fabric the ladies are sporting on their pre-apocalyptic 19th century style gowns you will have a chance to check out the duo's fab wares from their "UseRefuse" collection which will be available for purchase. They make beautiful messenger bags, clutches, jewelery and so much more. Check out their handy work here and also the work of many other talented artists who will be joining them in Carroll Park tomorrow.
bocococ art festival,
design space concept
Mermaid Parade This Saturday!

What is the Mermaid Parade?
"The Mermaid Parade celebrates the sand, the sea, the salt air and the beginning of summer, as well as the history and mythology of Coney Island, Coney Island pride, and artistic self-expression. The Parade is characterized by participants dressed in hand-made costumes as Mermaids, Neptunes, various sea creatures, the occasional wandering lighthouse, Coney Island post card or amusement ride, as well as antique cars, marching bands, drill teams, and the odd yacht pulled on flatbed."
This year the Mermaid Queen is performance artist/musician Laurie Anderson and King Neptune is LOU REED!! (Who whatofthought?)
This is the route!
* The Parade will start at West 21st Street and Surf Avenue
* The Parade will roll east to West 10th Street
* at West 10th Street the Parade will turn south towards the boardwalk
* cars and motorized floats can park on West 10th Street
* At the Boardwalk, the marchers and push-pull floats will turn west and head towards Stillwell Ave.
* At Stillwell Ave. the Parade will disband
Go to this website for more can STILL REGISTER to MARCH!
Read here about when F.I.B marched in the year 2000! (Last year I volunteered read about that here)
Coney Island,
Coney Island USA,
mermaid parade 2010
"Shock Therapy" Show Includes Donald O'Finn

The show runs through July 23rd.
Opening reception this Saturday from 7 to 11.
From the gallery's press release:
"Shock therapy is an attempt to regain control. while everything may seem to be spiraling towards disaster, there are methods to shock it all back in place. Over the years the term has been used to describe methods of medical, financial, and economic rebound, as well as psychological molding. As we see it, Shock Therapy through art is a way to Instill upon others an instant sense of our passion and our desire to create. But also a way to overcome any subconscious hang-ups, to let go and be released from mental confines. A way to control the chaos, while still pushing the envelope. Shocking ourselves and the viewers straight and askew in tandem with a visual onslaught, so that they may see as we do the perplex, all encompassing world we live in."
gallery hours:
mon. - fri. 11-6
sat. - sun. 10-7
J-train to marcy ave.
L-train to Bedford ave.
Pandemic Gallery
37 Broadway btwn Kent and Wythe
Brooklyn, NY 11211
cop bar music video,
donald o'finn,
pandemic gallery,
shock therapy
All the Young Punks Gather this Sunday at PUNK ISLAND!

Click here for the full schedule of bands and info about ferries and wotnot.
governor's island,
hardcore punk,
punk island,
punk rock,
Found on Third Street
found in brooklyn,
"Rock Paper Scissors" at Tabla Rasa Gallery - Sunset Park

"Applied to this exhibition, the title ROCK PAPER SCISSORS* is a broad analogy for the full circle of shifting "power" elements within a work of art. In this interplay, with "rock" representing the physicality of art-object, "paper" representing power of communication, and "scissors" representing tools of process, all exist in symbiosis, but shift in weight relative to each work
This exhibition concentrates on paintings, collages, and hand pulled prints by 13 diverse and independent artists, loosely associated by a common project, and all displaying an essential common trait: the pursuit of excellence in their craft.
Central to this association is the Red Hook studio of master printer Sheila Goloborotko. An accomplished and internationally recognized artist in her own right, she is universally lauded for her ability to draw out the talents of artists working with her. The process of producing an edition of prints requires thinking in reverse, and thinking in sequence. The artistry comes from accomplishing this mindful, logical approach, without sacrificing the spontaneity and vibrancy of the artwork. Making art in a world dominated by digitally captured, generated and/or manufactured images, the creation of traditionally produced prints have become part of each artist's oeuvre."
Exhibiting artists are:
Ramona Candy
Mary Chang
Tami Gold
Kathleen Hayek
Pearl Rosen
GG Stankiewicz
Sheila Goloborotko
Agnes Murray
Ana Bianchi
Robert Golden
Audrey Frank Anastasi
Susan Fateh
Harold Wortsman
Artist's Reception:
Wednesday, June 16
6:00- 8:30 PM
224 48 Street (between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)
Brooklyn, NY 11220
718. 833-9100
Click here for more info about Tabla Rasa Gallery.
sunset park,
tabla rasa gallery
Starts at 5pm on Saturday and goes through the night on Sunday until 5pm. I heard that there is a wait list for people to read, which just goes to show you, that people still care about libraries. Put that vodka down and show up!
"Come out and support libraries during the 24 hour We Will Not Be Shushed Read-In. This is going to be a unified libraries effort with readers and library workers from all three tri-li systems. We already have the full endorsement of Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Library administration. This is going to be a huge event in support of libraries.
We need your help! We need readers and we need supporters to come out and help out at the event. We will have a voice reading in front of the library for the full 24 hours. For that to happen it will take many voices to fill the time. Please contact us and sign up for a slot as soon as possible.
Together we can save our libraries and keep our library staff behind the desk where they belong."
To volunteer for a reading slot or to help with the event itself, please email
June 12th – 13th
5pm – 5pm
Front Steps of Brooklyn Public Library @ Grand Army Plaza
A Puzzling Blog Fest.
I was pretty horrified on how the Brooklyn Blogfest was more about that vodka that begins with an “A” than anything else. As someone who turned to blogging to escape the man, I wanted to escape this blogfest but was so shocked at the corporate branding and the blogs being secondary to the whole event that I just had stay to watch this corporate love fest. In the past the actual bloggers were given a face to their blogs and that was the whole point, you got to finally meet the people behind the blogs. At this year’s blog fest, an actor did the “shout out” and if you didn’t know the blogs, or were into hip hop style poetry you wouldn’t really know what the hell he was saying.
The appearance of Marty Markowitz was the cherry on the sundae. If the organizers of the blogfest wanted to alienate many of the bloggers in the audience who have spent the last couple years fighting the Atlantic Yards, the Sitt invasion of Coney Island or the Toll Brothers plans for the Gowanus, they did it here. I was incredulous!
Spike Lee graciously admitted he really didn’t know much about blogs and it is was just so painfully apparent that this was all about this vodka company using the blogs for free advertising for their new Brooklyn vodka! Apparently, many blogs were approached to pimp their vodka with the award of a flip camera. I actually received this email and deleted it immediately. I actually did not even bother reading it, too much work and not F.I.B’s style. Now if they offered to pay me what they would pay a regular media outlet, I might consider. But for a flip camera?
Anyway I have to run to work and could go on and on. Check out Norman Oder’s excellent recap of the event here.
PS- On the plus side after the “shill fest” was over I did meet some lovely people including my doppelganger Lisanne!
Reminder that the doc about Freddy's is playing tonite, you can be sure that is one Brooklyn event that Marty might not have the nerve to make an appearance!
BlogFest 2010,
corporate greed,
Marty Markowitz,
the man
"Freddy's Bar" Premiers at Brooklyn Film Festival
Oh man, do I miss Freddy's! F.I.B received this note from Donald O'Finn, manager of the former but soon to rise again Freddy's Bar and Backroom which was taken away via eminent domain a few weeks ago, the missive includes words from the filmmaker who is currently living in Madrid.
“Freddy's Bar” The Documentary by Vicente Rodriguez Ortega premiers at the Brooklyn Film Festival:
I recently received this from Vicente Rodriguez Ortega. A film maker and a much loved Freddy’s late Night regular...
"Dear people,
Most of you know that I made a feature-length documentary on "Freddy's", a bar recently, unfairly and illegally destroyed by eminent domain abuse a couple of weeks ago. It was truly a magical and unique place, I will miss forever and ever. Freddy's was a hub of wonderful people, musicians and lovely weirdos. I only managed to scratch the surface what it was, what it is, what it will be because in many ways it's timeless.
The people at the Brooklyn Film Fest decided to accept it and it will premiere in the festival in the beginning of June. It has been edited down to a stream-lined 1h 38h min. Sadly, I cannot make it to the festival due to my obligations in Madrid but Donald O'Finn, Freddy's manager and a fantastic videoartist, will honor me to introduce the film for me. I hope you can make it to one of the screenings.
Well, just to know that i truly miss all of you.... things are good in madrid but one side of my soul is still in Brooklyn...."
The showtimes are:
Wed June 9th at 7pm - Brooklyn Heights theater- 70 Henry Street
Friday June 11th at 6pm - Indiescreen- 285 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn.
More about the festival at the festival website.
“Freddy's Bar” The Documentary by Vicente Rodriguez Ortega premiers at the Brooklyn Film Festival:
I recently received this from Vicente Rodriguez Ortega. A film maker and a much loved Freddy’s late Night regular...
"Dear people,
Most of you know that I made a feature-length documentary on "Freddy's", a bar recently, unfairly and illegally destroyed by eminent domain abuse a couple of weeks ago. It was truly a magical and unique place, I will miss forever and ever. Freddy's was a hub of wonderful people, musicians and lovely weirdos. I only managed to scratch the surface what it was, what it is, what it will be because in many ways it's timeless.
The people at the Brooklyn Film Fest decided to accept it and it will premiere in the festival in the beginning of June. It has been edited down to a stream-lined 1h 38h min. Sadly, I cannot make it to the festival due to my obligations in Madrid but Donald O'Finn, Freddy's manager and a fantastic videoartist, will honor me to introduce the film for me. I hope you can make it to one of the screenings.
Well, just to know that i truly miss all of you.... things are good in madrid but one side of my soul is still in Brooklyn...."
The showtimes are:
Wed June 9th at 7pm - Brooklyn Heights theater- 70 Henry Street
Friday June 11th at 6pm - Indiescreen- 285 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn.
More about the festival at the festival website.
Stadium Status-Our Tax Dollars at Work!
Stadium Status from Internets Celebrities on Vimeo.
I don't know about you, but shouldn't we be paying for better schools and keeping the libraries open? Here is an excellent short touring the new Yankee, Shea and future New Jersey Nets Stadium in the Atlantic Yards. Showing how the stadiums really ARE NOT revitalizing the neighborhoods they take over.
Thanks to Who Walk in Brooklyn for sending it my way.
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